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Shenton Park Zone Substation

Thiess Project MR013616

During this project we had to install approximately 1.4km of 400HV cable in the Canningvale area.

We installed this cable by means of directional drilling in the most with a small portion of trenching. The cable route for this project went from Bannister Rd, down baile rd to where it went into a switchgear we upgraded on Modal Crescent. Once again the project has its share risks that had to be worked through to insure a safe project. This was completed through JRA’s and good planning. HP gas and existing HV cables were the main risk throughout the project but were handled well and the job was completed to program. Below are some rough quantities installed on this project:

  • Directional drilling (Direct lay 400HV) 980m
  • Directional drill (Install 160mm Conduit) 225m
  • Excavation 200m
  • Location of services
  • Cable installation 1.4km
  • Remove existing switchgear and install new switchgear
  • Re-instatement